Zebra Housing

Feedback & Complaints


Zebra welcomes feedback from residents about the service you receive from us. Although we see it as regrettable when people experience a failure in our services, we see complaints as a positive opportunity for us to get things right and learn from mistakes.

Below is our Complaints Policy. All residents will be treated equally in line with this policy when a complaint is made. We aim to handle all complaints as efficiently and fairly as possible.


We recognise the difference between a service request and a complaint. A service request is a request from a resident to a landlord requiring action to be taken to put something right. If you have come to us with a service request that is not a complaint, we will record it, monitor and review it – but most importantly we will work to carry out the service request where it is possible to do so and it fits within our policies. You should always make service requests to us at your earliest convenience so we can assist you with resolving issues as efficiently as possible.


We define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by the landlord, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting a resident or group of residents.

You do not need to use the word ‘complaint’ for it to be treated as such. We will handle all expressions of dissatisfaction equally whether you raise them with us directly or if they come to us from a third party.

Please note that if you raise issues anonymously in response to a survey, we will not process these as complaints in their own right.

We will accept all complaints unless there is a valid reason we cannot, and in this case we will explain our reasoning. You may take this to the Ombusdman if you wish to. All complaints will be considered on an individual basis.

Possible reasons we will not accept a complaint include:

  • The issue giving rise to the complaint occurred over twelve months ago (although we may exercise discretion in certain cases);
  • Legal proceedings have started. This is defined as details of the claim, such as the Claim Form and Particulars of Claim, having been filed at court;
  • Matters that have previously been considered under the complaints policy;
  • The complaint is not from a tenant of Zebra, or someone acting on their behalf. For example we will not accept complaints from neighbours or commercial businesses.


We will accept complaints made in any way through any of our staff. We will also make reasonable adjustments to help you with the process where requested.

You may use a representative to support you throughout the complaints process. This includes the right to be accompanied to any meetings.


Our Complaints Officer is Steve, our Resident Services Manager, who can support you with any stage of the complaints process.


Throughout the process we will remain mindful of our obligations as an accredited member of ANUK.


We regularly train all our staff in handling of complaints.




If we fail to respond to your service request, or our response has been below the standard you would expect, you can make a first stage complaint to us.

To make a first stage complaint, please contact us by email, phone or writing:

The Chief Executive,
Zebra Housing Association
5-13 Glendower Place

Direct line: 0207 589 2440
Email: housing@zebrahousing.com

We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days, and will fully investigate it telling you how we will resolve it within a further 10 working days.

Throughout the process we will remain mindful of our obligations as an accredited member of ANUK.

All complaints will be considered on an individual basis.





If you are still unsatisfied after our first response to your complaint, you should contact our Chair by email, phone or writing:

The Chair
Zebra Housing Association
5-13 Glendower Place

Phone: 0207 589 2440
Email: housing@zebrahousing.com

You may use a representative to support you throughout the complaints process. This includes the right to be accompanied to any meetings. You may also wish to contact your University’s Student Welfare Officer who may offer a service to arbitrate between you and Zebra independently.

Again we will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days, and will fully investigate it telling you how we will resolve it within a further 20 working days.

This is the last stage of our internal complaints procedure.


If you are still unhappy with our response, you should then contact an independent body which is called The Housing Ombudsman Service who can investigate and intervene on your behalf.

The Housing Ombudsman Service PO Box 152,
L3 7WQ

Phone: 0300 111 3000
Email: info@housing-ombudsman.org.uk

You must complete our internal complaints procedure before the Ombudsman is able to intervene

Annual Complaints Performance

Complaints Self – Assessment 2024